Screenshot of the app in the Coffee mode, V60 method selected and timer started
App Icon - Dripper over Cup

Coffee & Water

Brewing Helper

App that helps you make amazing coffee!

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Drop of water icon

Coffee Making & Water Mixing

App has 2 modes - for alternative coffee making and for water mixing.

Calculations icon

Automatic Calculations

Choose how much coffee you want to make and the app will calculate total amount of water needed for brewing.

Timer icon

Timer Included

No other timer needed.

Bullet point list icon

Instructions Included

Choose method, press Start and let the app guide you through the whole process.

Gear with heart icon

Various Methods

App supports following brewing methods - V60, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press.

Dotted water drop icon

Water Mixing Calculations

Mixing your own water with distilled/RO water and prepared concentrate? App will help you to get desired TDS.